Monday, October 10, 2011

ello monday

"good morning! welcome to krystals! would you like to start off the day with a krystals scrambler combo!?"

me: yes please!


"welcome to krystals, can i take your order?"

me: oh fudge, not again!

so i decided to start off the day with a krystals scrambler combo breakfast meal, but i didn't realize the loud speaker was going to in turn make me feel like an idiot! i should have known it was a foonie anyway since the ladies voice on the loud speaker was so welcoming with her high pitch aunt jemima come on in child voice! why do they do that? they get me everytime! for now on, i will wait a few minutes before i answer, maybe i will fool them into feeling like an idiot!

but it was worth driving me bonkers once i got home with my scrambler and turned on a good toon! good, good monday morning home fries.


Mz E said...

hello! *smile* saw ya on FTLOB...I ENJOY eating at krystals but I can't do the scrambler with sausage! *smile* If I go I'm hitting the 4 cheese krystal meal with no onions, please! *smile* ENJOY the rest of ya monday!


callie said...

oh c'mon girl, the scrambler isn't a scrambler without sausage!! : ) thanks for stopping by!