Thursday, August 25, 2011

my cat is so kool, i give her koolaid!

jovi loves strawberry koolaid! not sure if it's healthy for a cat.. but hey, people feed animals peanut butter and chocolate all the time, so what could it hurt her? i decided since my cat was so kool, i would give her koolaid instead of H20 today.

for it to be a thursday, it was kind of lame and i was disappointed. i slept in longer than i planned, but i woke up just in time for cinnamon rolls just out of the oven so it all worked out pretty dope.

after i stuffed 4 obese cinnamon rolls down my throat, i decided i needed a hair cut, badly. i was starting to look like don king. so i got my nicole richie side swept bangs back and lost the split ends.. its a nice feeling.
i apologize if i offended any fans!

and by the way, i broke my favorite hairbrush! yes, broke in took me like ten minutes to get the broke half of the brush out of my head!

and to me, breaking your hairbrush because your hair is wayy too thick is like, ripping your pants in the crotch because your butt is wayy too big!

 its kind of embarrasing, but it happens right? its like a hands over eyes kind of moment! did i seriously just do that!? yes mam you did home girl!

so, since i "spilt the beans" already about my tattoo.. i guess i will explain. it was totally a "spur of the moment" thing, honest! although i had been seriously contemplating about whether i really wanted one or not, i decided i wanted it for sure after me and the tat man got the design down! i mean a tattoo is a BIG deal, and word to the wise.. Always, always research tattoos. don't just look at the first page of google images and say "oooh that's the one!" because folks its probably really not, and it's probably really lame .. and in fact, that tattoo is probably branded on a thousand more other people, so no, no.. don't do that please. its permanent remember? these aren't washable, they are there f-o-r-e-v-e-r! my point being? get a tattoo that rocks monstro out of the water!

so i didn't do it for anyone, just me. it was all my idea. not because everyone has one, not because its "cool", not because garrett wanted me to get one, because (in truth, he really didn't want me to get one!). i've always told myself, if i ever got a tattoo it would be something i drew up myself. unique. me. and that's just what my tattoo is, its me to a T. so here it is..
Star w/Lace
with the help of tat man

this was my sketch, nothing great just the idea
i actually had a dream last night that went like this.. i woke up, jumped in the shower and as im stepping out of the shower i notice my tattoo is like, gone. what the world!? did tat man seriously give me a fake tattoo? oh hello nah! i mean, i woke up in a sweat, heart pounding. scary! don't ya hate dreams like that?

i also dreamed i met mick jagger and spent a whole day with s.t... must have been all that good reading i did yesterday.. :/

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