Monday, November 21, 2011

i think i'll have a glass of wine now this a.m. could have started out a little easier..

first punch of the day:
i woke up from a really, really bad dream
one of those dreams that makes you feel bad for dreaming such a dream

why did i dream that?

i didn't look it up in my dream dictionary
even though i thought about it
i just felt like it would possibly freak me out even more
so i didn't

i dreamed i watched as one of my close family members was burned to death
i didn't burn the person of course
i just stood there watching as he saw death pursuing him before his eyes
it was detailed, too detailed
& it was like i was helpless, like i couldn't do anything for him
almost like my body was immobilized in an ice cube
i couldn't save him
why couldn't i save him?
i feel horrible for dreaming that
i woke up crying and i felt like i was having a mild panic attack
it really upset me
now i have bad dreams alot
but this particular dream was way past intense for me
but im fine

2nd punch of the day:
i got stung by a wasp on my birdie finger
how ironic
he was in my hair!
i was running around the house
from this wasp that was tangled in my hair!
did i actually think i was running away from it!?
you would have thought i was being murdered as loud as i was screaming
but im fine

after being merely killed i managed to finally make it to the shower
thank you jesus thank you
but the wasp was not dead yet..
i cornered the little beast in the bathroom
mom finished him off for me with my zebra danskos
and down the pipes he went
may you rest in peace home fly

and if your wondering how much worse is it going to get, my day did actually get better

i made it to my orthodontist appointment early
a trip to jackson with a good friend
japenese soul food and canary diamonds
and everything is fine

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