Thursday, November 10, 2011

love is worth risking

water for elephants or stupid,crazy,love?
that was the question tonight and what did i choose you ask?
water for elephants of course!

im sure stupid,crazy,love is great and i plan to watch it also
but i was looking for a tear jerker
he loves her
kind of movie
but i just couldn't get over the fact that "the forty year old virgin" was lead actor in stupid,crazy,love

so i begged to differ on that one.

love is worth risking
i love story lines that warm my heart and make me thankful to have such a great guy in my life
and even if you haven't found that special someone yet, those kind of movies give you hope that he is out there
waiting just for you
 giving you peace of mind that someday
he will love you
my favorite part in the movie was when..
oh wait i can't tell you that!

and water for elephants really hit home with me
it made me wonder do we sometimes try to make our lives seem like an illusion
somewhat like in a circus?

i don't even know why that thought came to mind while i was watching it
i tend to dig deep while im watching a movie and i pick apart things in the movie
alot of people tend to overlook i guess
but sometimes i think we try to camoflage what is really going on under our thick shielded skin
we try to dress ourselves in elaborate layers of jewels hoping to hide the unhappiness we feel or maybe the
hurt we cannot bear to share with the world.
it makes you realize its sometimes an ugly/beautiful life

and all this will make sense after you watch the movie of course.

i snuck jovi inside tonight because it is freezing outside
so i turned on my heated mattress pad garrett bought me

"gotta keep my girl warm"
he really does take good care of me
i love him for that

and i pulled out jovis kitty bed she loves so much
she really is spoilt rotten
i think this is all for tonight im too tired to even listen to nikki rant

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