Saturday, December 10, 2011

so i bought my cat a fleece jacket

so here i am
in my favorite pair of baggy boy pants and a cup of hot chocolate in my hand
extra mini mallows
oh, and my cat
who for whatever reason seems to like eating my rubberbands
cats are weird
and they will lick anything
jovi would eat a booger if the opportunity arose
and apparently it isn't normal to buy your cat clothes?
but what is so normal about buying your dog clothes?
i don't see the difference, myself

checkout lady: aww.. what kind of dog do you have?
me: .. i have a cat
[insert awkward blank stare here]

usually i tend to lie and say things like, "oh, i have toy yorkshapoo"
but is that even a dog?

so maybe my cat isn't as cool as the cat with twenty-three toes
 but she does rock a fleece jacket

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so want to get one for my cat.